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Book Services

Get your FREE sample edit and a FREE quote HERE

As a published author, I know exactly how difficult it is writing, and then editing a book. You spend weeks (sometimes months) honing your work to perfection only to find a typo, a poorly placed comma, or a misspelt word. Worse still, you publish your book thinking that it is fine, only for somebody else to highlight your error. You are not alone - even the big traditional publishers miss the occasional error.

Using a professional editor reduces this risk. Nobody can guarantee perfection, but we can certainly get close.

I specialise in MEMOIRS, CRIME THRILLERS, ACTION and ADVENTURE genres, but I am willing to edit or proofread most genres. If in doubt, simply contact me for advice.

What level of editing do I need? I hear you ask.

Below, I give more information of the types of editing I offer. If you still can't decide, then contact me and I will do my best to help.​

Structural or Developmental Editing (Level 3)

Structural or Developmental Editing is sometimes referred to as Story Editing.

It is usually conducted after the author has written the first or second draft of their manuscript, and it looks at the Bigger Picture (the plot, the structure, character development, point of view, theme, setting, and pace).

It does not involve any copy-editing or proofreading as the manuscript will change considerably at this early stage in the editing process.

This type of editing is subjective (opinions will vary from person to person), but it is very much a collaboration between the author and the editor. Every effort will be made to ensure that the author's voice shines through, and all editorial decisions can be discussed, accepted, or rejected by the writer - after all, it is YOUR masterpiece, so you have the final say.

All alterations or suggestions will be sent to the author in the form of Track Changes in Microsoft Word, along with an Editorial Report highlighting areas to be considered.

Due to its complexity and consultation process, this type of editing can take months to complete, but the resulting text is well worth the hard work.

Copy or Line Editing (Level 2)

Copy or Line Editing is conducted after the author has produced many drafts of their manuscript and has reached the stage where they have got it as good as they are able to (on their own). All structural and storyline issues should have been addressed prior to this stage and the writing is ready for editing at paragraph, sentence and word level.

As with the developmental editing, all alterations will be made using Track Changes, and you receive a "clean" copy (all alterations incorporated into the text), a "working" copy (all alterations and suggestions clearly shown), and a Style Sheet for use as a reference (indicating repeat corrections and references specific to your text).

All editing will adhere to your chosen Style Guide, and include paraphrasing or rewriting (where necessary) to improve flow and clarity, ensuring that it is suited to your target readers. Corrections to spelling, grammar and punctuation will be made, as will issues with points of view, tenses, and consistency.

As above, this is a collaboration between author and editor - your voice and tone will remain, and you will have the final say on which corrections or suggestions you accept or decline.

Proofreading (Level 1)

Proofreading is the FINAL stage in the editing process. Your manuscript should already have been edited thoroughly, and this stage is a final polish prior to being published.

Proofreading can be done by the same editor that has previously worked on the manuscript, however, it is quite common for a different editor to do this final check as they have a fresh pair of eyes to spot errors that might otherwise be missed.

Proofreading will involve checking for spelling, punctuation and grammar issues, as well as formatting problems involving spacing, titles, fonts, etc. See the proofreading section on my Editing and Proofreading page for more details.

Additional Services

Beta Reading - If you have completed your book, had it edited and proofed, you might want to get an honest opinion of its content (from a reader's perspective). I will read your story (not as an editor - as a reader) and produce a report giving my opinions and suggestions. This will be similar to a developmental edit, but will not be as detailed, nor will there be the discussions to improve your writing. At this stage, I will simply give my opinion of what you have produced, so far. Should you wish to include any developmental editing as a result of the Beta Reading, we can discuss options afterwards.

For details of my Beta Reading gig on Fiverr, click HERE.


Formatting - If you intend to have your completed manuscript published through Kindle Direct Publishing (or similar), you will need to have it formatted for best results (especially for paperback editions). It is something that you can do yourself, but should you need help or advice, contact me and discuss your options.

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