Resources for Writers and Authors
1 / Track Changes - Microsoft Word
For a detailed explanation of how to use Track Changes in Microsoft Word, follow this link - Track Changes.
For a video explanation, click HERE.
2 / Advice for students - Is proofreading allowed?
Advice - from the University of Cambridge - regarding whether professional proofreading services are permitted to be used by students, can be found HERE.
Please check with your own university as rules vary.
3 / Suggested hourly rates of pay
The rates at which editing and proofreading services are charged depends on the amount of work that the text requires. As a general guideline, the ciep (Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading) in the UK suggest the following rates.
The EFA (Editorial Freelancers Association) in the US suggest the following rates.
4 / Book Services Directly on Fiverr and Upwork
If you are looking to book certain editing and proofreading services through the established "freelance" platforms of FIVERR or UPWORK (who offer secure financial booking services), read this BLOG POST and click the individual links.