I offer PROOFREADING and COPY-EDITING services for any text or document written in English.
To explain these services in more detail, I have separated them according to the type of document that you might wish to have edited.
Editing and proofreading books, eBooks and manuscripts can involve a number of different levels of editing (developmental, "deep" copy-editing, line-editing, proofreading, beta-reading, formatting), so I have a specific page to detail what I can offer HERE.
For all other editing and proofreading assignments, click on this LINK for more information.
Whether you opt for an editing or proofreading service, all alterations will be made using Track Changes in Microsoft Word, or in the form of "comments" suggesting changes in PDF format. See my Resources page for detailed information on how to use Track Changes.
What will you receive?
On completion, you will receive a "clean" copy of your corrected text with all alterations incorporated within it. You also receive a copy of the original text with all alterations showing. You can see clearly what was changed, why it was changed, and you have the option to accept or reject each individual correction. Finally, you receive a Style Sheet showing references that were used, and highlighting specific spelling, punctuation and grammar issues for your future reference.